Review Policy

The Review Policy for Aster's Book Hour can be found here: Review Policy Page.

How I Review

Each literature review on Aster's Book Hour is broken down into two sections: spoiler-free and spoiler-full.

In the spoiler-free area, I provide a book synopsis, my opinion of if the piece of work is worth an hour, why it may or may not be worth a read, and then a ranking.

In the spoiler-full section, titled My Thoughts, I present you with my thoughts on the piece and those thoughts traditionally include spoilers.

I base my rankings and recommendations off the following criteria: characters, plot progression, world building, ending, and vibe. A 10/10 novel incorporates all of those components perfectly and a 1/10, not so much. A ranking below 5 is where I no longer recommend a novel as it was not my cup of tea and therefore, potentially not worth an hour of your time.

But, this website is opinion-based, and opinions vary, my recommendation and related discussion should always be taken with a grain of salt. There is no guarantee you will also dislike the work if I dislike it and vice versa, but that is okay! The point of Aster's Book Hour is to help you make that decision to determine if a book is worth reading and as long as discussion is civil, I adore discussing books and hearing different viewpoints.

So let's get to reading and check out reviews| HERE !